New Afghan Leader Promises Equal Rights for Women


AUTHOR / Ghayor Waziri

New Afghan Leader Promises Equal Rights for Women
Afghan, President, election, politic, Ghayor Waziri

Yousuf Nuristani from the Afghanistan election commission announced the power sharing deal ending five months of uncertainly about who won the election.

“Finally the election commission can declare Mr. Doctor Muhammad Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai as the next president of Afghanistan and the winner of the presidential election. We wish him success and that he achieves good things for the Afghan people.”

Ashraf Ghani and rival presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah then embraced during the brief ceremony inside the presidential palace.

Watching on was the out going president Hamid Karzay.

“This agreement was what the people of Afghanistan have been wishing for. My two brothers I wish you success and hope that you can do what I have not been able to do and finish the job I have started.”

Under the deal Abdullah Abdullah will fill the newly created position of CEO--- Chief executive of the country.

Sardar Muhammad Rahimi from the president-elects team explains what the role will be.

“Actually the CEO position is like a executive prime minister position, the important duties that the CEO will do it are leading the ministers council, doing executive and government administrating activities, making general policies and working with the President to make important decisions.” 

Despite widespread relief that the political stand off was over many Afghans are angry that the final vote tally remains secret.

Despite the threat of Taliban violence, millions of voters had turned out to vote—in a election that has ended up looking more like a deal among elites than a democratic exercise.

Sharifa Sherzad is a university student in Kabul.

“This is very painful, people truly with so much hope went to the polling stations to vote for their next president. People voted despite huge risks but unfortunately the elites have played with our votes.”

But supporters of Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai have been holding celebrations across the country.

25 year old Akhter Muhammad is at one such party in Kabul.

“I am very happy, I want to say congratulations to Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai. He is the best one for our country.”

Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzia previously worked at the United Nations and the World Bank.

He comes from an influential Pashtun family.

In his victory speech he said he wants Afghan women represented at the highest levels of government, including on the Supreme Court, where no female justices have ever served.

“We are responsible for every Afghan, women must be respected and have equal rights to men.  Our government will be a legal government, a government that works for social justice, a efficiency and transparency government.” 

Local political analyst Payenda Muhammad Hekmat Safi says it will be difficult for him to work with his former rival, but he believes that Mr Ghani has what it takes to get the job done.

“If we compare Ghani with president Karzay, he already has experience in management, he is good manager and I think Ashraf Ghani ability is more than Hamid Karzay’s, but he also faces many challenges, such as the ongoing war.  But President Karzay took the reins of power when there were no systems in place, everything was chaotic. Now Ghani is taking over at a time when everything is good and we have organizations at every  level.”

The power-sharing deal appeals for the two teams to govern together in a spirit of partnership, remembering their responsibility to the people of Afghanistan.

But they disagree on so much, and after a bitter election campaign and months of wrangling, stability of this government cannot be guaranteed.


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