Models Reject the Afghan Governments Claim That They

Semmen Hasanzada from the ministry of information says they have received complaints from the public about some ads.

AUTHOR / Ghayor Waziri

Models Reject the Afghan Governments Claim That They
Afghan, female model, women

Billboards and television advertisements feature women selling everything from mobile phones to insurance have sprung up since the fall of the Taliban regime.

But the Afghan government now wants to rein it in.

After just two months in power the Ministry of Information and culture released a statement telling the media not to use female models in advertisements.

Semmen Hasanzada is the Deputy Ministry of information and culture.

“When a women appears in a advertisement her exterior beauty is used to make more money for businessmen. This is disrespectful and against women’s rights. The Ministry of information and culture is therefore asking the media and commercial production companies to avoid using female models.”

Yama Noorzayee Dillta runs a production house.

He says the women want to do the work and the public wants to see women in advertisements.

“Women are attractive and do everything in an interesting way. A perfume commercial ad presented by a woman gains the attention of more people than a male model. They sell products.”

But Semmen Hasanzada from the ministry of information says they have received complaints from the public about some ads.

“Some soft drink ads have women dressed in clothing and speaking in a way that is against Afghan faith, tradition and culture. I want to be clear that we are not banning women in commercials but the advertisements must respect public faith, culture and tradition.  We asked all media and production companies to respect our demands otherwise they will be pursuit by the government.” 

The issue is a very sensitive one. During the Taliban regime women were ban from work in any professional. 

Since the fall of their regime it has been a long and difficult road to restore women rights to earn an income out of the house. 

This advertisement features famous soap opera star Arizo Wida.

She completely rejects the government’s statement that she is being exploited.

“I enjoy my works as a model. I think being model is not something going against Islam. I love my job and go for hours without eating or taking a break. I never felt anxiety or am made to feel uncomfortable doing my job. The government for support us not bring us down. I am a model and I don’t want limits place on me. This is completely against human rights. They should not insult women like this.”


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