Humans In Cages...While Monkeys are Free In Indian Hilltown

While they argue

AUTHOR / Shuriah Niazi

Humans In Cages...While Monkeys are Free In Indian Hilltown
India, monkey, Pachmarchi, tourist, Shuriah Niazi

Anil Yadav has live for 16 years in the hill top station of Pachmarchi.

He says in the last 3 years the monkey population has increased….forcing the humans to live in cages.

“If the doors of the house are open they even steal food from inside fruits, vegetables, tomatoes and even from the kitchen also. “

Monkeys are sacred in India and worshipped by Hindus as they are viewed as the living representatives of the cherished Hindu god Hanuman.

But Anil now sees them as a pest.
“They jump on the roof and damage the roof. So whatever we cultivate we cannot cultivate like flowers because of them. They come and eat up. So really they are damaging everything.”

It’s become a national problem.

Even in the capital Delhi the monkey population  has grown so large and aggressive that overwhelmed city officials have petitioned India’s Supreme Court to relieve them of the task of monkey control.

In Pachmarchi the solution for now is cages….

Not for the monkeys…but the humans.

Arvind Saha one of the tourist here.

“One thing which comes to my mind is that civilization getting caged. Though it is good to be very friendly with animal. It is required for our ecology but I think it is something very amusing as you are seeing yourself at another side of the zoo or the cage, which you are not so used to. So it’s a different experience.”

His friend Kaushal says even with the cages you need to always be on the look out…. 

“We’re taking a bath there and we were five of us suddenly we saw a dozen of monkeys they were trying to come over our place to take our stuff…our cloths, our cameras, our mobile phones. So we have to come out of the fall to chase them away.”

Local forest officials, say they are flooded with complaints.

But rangers say tourists are part of the problem…. saying the food they eat in the open and the scraps they throw about the place has attracted the animals

Pachmarchi is an army town and is governed by the cantonment board.

The forest department wants the board to pay for the monkeys’ translocation while the army wants the forest department to help.

While they argue…… the Monkey’s are winning. 


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