Family Grieves Christian Couple Burnt to Death in a Kiln in Pakistan

Investigators say the couple were accused after a local mullah declared over loud speakers that the couple had desecrated the holy Quran.

AUTHOR / Mudassar Shah

Family Grieves Christian Couple Burnt to Death in a Kiln in Pakistan
Pakistan, Christian, blasphemy, Mudassar Shah

I am standing next to the a brick kiln that the couple were killed in.

It's incredibly hot and I can see the fire inside. 

I have been told that the couple were shouting for help and screaming that they were innocent as they were pushed inside here.

A short walk away though narrow alley ways is the home of the grieving family.

The murdered couple have left behind three young children -- two sons and a daughter.

The sound of weeping makes their home easy to find.

Investigators say the couple were accused after a local mullah declared over loud speakers that the couple had desecrated the holy Quran.

The couple were bonded laborers at the kiln were they were killed.

Razia Masih, Sajjad’s sister in law says they couldn’t do anything to save them.

“We are poor and helpless. Our enemy has killed our beloved. We are so helpless.”

Around 30 people have gathered in the yard outside the home in the Christian quarter of the village of Kot Radha Kishan.

They are here to show solitary to family and condemn the killings.

Iqbal Masih is Sajjad’s elder brother.

He says that the brick kiln owner has pressured the family not to pursue the case.

“I demand justice, only justice and justice. I still receive threats that we will punish you and make an example out of you. Our children can’t go out of the house because of their fear.”

Desecration of the Quran is punishable by death or life imprisonment under Pakistan's anti-blasphemy law.

Rights groups say that the laws are often used to settle personal vendettas.

The Human rights commission who sent a team to investigate said the couple were in a dispute over money with the powerful kiln owners.

They said they found no evidence that the couple had desecrated the Quran.
Muhammad Husain is the police officer in charge of the case.  He says they have arrested 50 people believed to have been in the mob that killed the couple.

“We have deployed police in the vicinity near the kiln to control the law and order situation. We have been searching the area so that no more bad incidents happen. We have arrested a few people and are searching for others.”

But many here say the police could have done much more to stop the murders.

Sardar Nabi is a local politician.

“No doubt that it is a complete failure of law and order. The police on the site could have easily stopped the mob if they would take serious action on the spot.”

There are 4.5 million bounded labors in Pakistan.

They work hard for a meager daily wage. Often they they are paid in advance and then work for 14 to 17 hours a day to pay off the debt.

52 year old Meeran has worked as a bonded labor for the last 40 years.

She borrowed money from the kiln owner to pay for medical bills for her son.

She says the couple’s murder has made her very worried.

“I live in constant fear now and would never work here if I had an alternative way to feed my children.”


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