A Million People Flee Pakistan's Waziristan Conflict

Most of the internally displaced people are women and children.

AUTHOR / Mudassar Shah

A Million People Flee Pakistan's Waziristan Conflict
Pakistan, displaced, Waziristan, military operation, Mudassar Shah

An ongoing military operation against Taliban fighters and their allies in the Pakistani tribal areas has triggered a mass exodus of residents from the area.

Most of the internally displaced people are women and children.

They have braved bombs, curfews and blocked roads to make it to the relative safety of the neighbouring district of Bannu.

Mohib Ullah is covered with dust and sweat.

He fled the conflict in Waziristan with his wife who was pregnant with their second child.

“There is curfew in Waziristan and I travelled for 24 hours with mywife.She had labor pain.Our child died on the way because we could not reach medical help in time. I saw many other sick people lying on road and also saw dead bodies on the side of the road.”

The government estimates about one million have been displaced since the government’s military operation against the Taliban began in Mid June.

Amongst them is Noor Khan -- with long hair and beard he looks like a Taliban militant.

“One of my twin daughters died on our way to hospital because there is a curfew in Waziristan. Her mother walked alongside her daughter in the worst condition. My daughter died because there is no health facility there.”

The government has set up tent camps on the outskirts of Bannu but most people are staying with relatives or friends in the town.

Doctor Mehtab Shaheen is a doctor in Women and children Hospital in Bannu. She says they are struggling to cope with the increase in cases.

“Most common things we are dealing with are Coughs, diarrhea and heat strokes among the children because they are extremely exhausted from the journey.  Women who are pregnant have severe abdominal pain. They have all travelled a long way to reach us.”

North Waziristan was a safe haven for Taliban and Al-Qaida militants.

The area is mountainous and was a breeding place for Taliban.

The Pakistan military says they have killed 910 militants to date.

The military has made several check points in try and stop militants from leaving the area.

But a former Taliban militant said, on the condition of anonymity that there are Taliban militants amongst the displaced people.

“I can see most of Taliban militants roaming around here and there out of Waziristan. They have shaved heads and beards and live like other normal IDPs. They kill the government employees and their rivals in Waziristan but now they receive the financial support of the government.”

Analysts said that it remains unclear if the military operation will be able to achieve its objectives.

North Waziristan is home to a complex network of armed groups, including the Pakistani Taliban, the Haqqani Network and others.

The Pakistan Taliban is vowing to carry out retaliatory strikes against civilian targets in Pakistan's cities.

Authorities say security has been stepped up in the major cities in anticipation of such attacks.


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