Asia Calling Program on 27 August 2016

A truth and reconciliation process is underway in Nepal. Geopolitics behind a $46 million mega project between China and Pakistan. A wealth of communist art in Indonesia, once shunned, now uncovered.

AUTHOR / Kate Lamb

Asia Calling Program on 27 August 2016

A decade after peace was declared between Maoist rebels and the Nepalese government a truth and reconciliation process is underway.

But for victims of atrocities what does closure mean – and are they likely to get it?

We’re also going to be hearing about the geopolitics behind a $46 million mega project between China and Pakistan.

A wealth of communist art in Indonesia, once shunned, now uncovered.

We have all that and more coming up on this week’s show. 


KBR percaya pembaca situs ini adalah orang-orang yang cerdas dan terpelajar. Karena itu mari kita gunakan kata-kata yang santun di dalam kolom komentar ini. Kalimat yang sopan, menjauhi prasangka SARA (suku, agama, ras dan antargolongan), pasti akan lebih didengar. Yuk, kita praktikkan!