Asia Calling program 5 August 2017

Afghan families forced to travel abroad for essential medical treatment. Vietnam’s Mekong Delta is the food bowl that is sinking into the sea. Timor Leste's brave activist Bella Galhos speaks out.

AUTHOR / Nicole Curby

Asia Calling program 5 August 2017

We come to you from Vietnam’s Mekong Delta, the food bowl that is sinking into the sea.

In Afghanistan, we speak to families who are forced to travel abroad for essential medical treatment, because they can’t get the care they need at home. 

Public transport infrastructure in Pakistan is being slammed by environmentalists as trees are being razed and replaced with concrete. 

And from Timor-Leste, the remarkable story of brave activist Bella Galhos.



KBR percaya pembaca situs ini adalah orang-orang yang cerdas dan terpelajar. Karena itu mari kita gunakan kata-kata yang santun di dalam kolom komentar ini. Kalimat yang sopan, menjauhi prasangka SARA (suku, agama, ras dan antargolongan), pasti akan lebih didengar. Yuk, kita praktikkan!