Asia Calling program 19 August 2017

The state of Afghan media after foreign funding dies up. An Indonesian Islamic boarding school breaking with tradition. India's caste system leading the poorest of the poor to their deaths at work.

AUTHOR / Nicole Curby

Asia Calling program 19 August 2017

India recently elected an ‘untouchable’ President, that is, someone from the lowest caste has the highest office in the country.

But at the same time, ‘untouchables’ are still forced to do the worst jobs, clean toilets and sewers in unhygienic and inhumane conditions. Hundreds die doing their job every year.  We consider the contradictions of India’s caste system.

In Afghanistan, we take a look at the impact of foreign funding on media, and what happens when the money dries up.

We visit an Islamic boarding school in Indonesia has become an unlikely refuge for people recovering from drug addiction and mental health issues.  Welcoming people from all backgrounds, it’s now known as the ‘Islamic Boarding School for Repentant Metal Heads.’  


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